About Creoles…

If you are grower in the warmer climates of the Southern US, Creoles should be a big part of your garlic patch. Creoles are known for their exceptional flavor and long storage life making them a favorite for anyone able to grow them “successfully.” And therein lies the challenge. Creoles are easily the most finicky of all the garlic subgroups to grow successfully. Growers in the Northern US will find they are hardy, easily surviving the harsh winters BUT are stubbornly difficult to get any significant size with a 2” bulb a prized and rare reward, with the exception of Morado (de Pedronera) which outperforms all other Creoles for Northern Growers. Growers in the wet & humid deep south will find the plants robust and productive BUT having a tendency to “Witches Broom” in years with excessively wet springs. The lucky few who find themselves in warm dry climate with moderate winters…well you might not grow anything else. They really are that good and worth trying to overcome the challenges for most of us. Pescadero Red sizes significantly better for us (still <2”) than Rose de Lautrec but they pedigree of Rose is hard to dismiss. Morado (de Pedronera) for NORTHERN US Growers.

Creole Varieties: Morado (de Pedronera), Rose de Lautrec & Pescadero Red